
May 11, 2014

BUSK 2014:
Michael Voegele

Nach und nach stellen wir euch alle KandidatInnen für das BUSK Singer-Songwriter Festival Bolzano-Bozen 2014 vor. Ihr könnt auch mitstimmen – klickt dafür einfach auf den Facebook-Like-Button am Ende des Artikels. || Mano a mano ogni giorno vi presentiamo i candidati per il BUSK Singer-Songwriter Festival Bolzano-Bozen 2014. Per votare i vostri preferiti cliccate il bottone Facebook Like in fondo alla pagina.

Michael Voegele 


Herkunftsort/Luogo di provenienza/Hometown


Dein erster Kontakt mit der Musik?/Il primo contatto con la musica?/Your first contact with music? 
I don’t remember 

Warum spielst du gerne auf der Straße?/Che cosa ti piace del suonare per strada?/What do like about playing music on the street? 
That I can choose time, place, duration, make it a concert or just sing for my own.

Welches Konzert hat dich besonders beeindruckt und warum?/Il concerto che ti ha colpito di più e perché?/Which concert impressed you particularly and why?
I really enjoyed to see Patty Smith the time she was in Bozen a few years ago. Why? Because I love here. Der Soundtrack deines derzeitigen Lebens?/La colonna sonora della tua vita ora?/The soundtrack of your current life?
Everything that I happen to hear by chance, and my own songs. 

Was bedeutet es MusikerIn zu sein?/Cosa significa essere un musicista?/What does it mean to be a musician? 
Nothing, I guess. It’s just something one is. And I think, everyone is a musician, like everyone is a poet or a dreamer. 

Was sagt deine Familie zu deiner Entscheidung, Musik zu machen?/Cosa ne pensa la tua famiglia della scelta di fare musica?/What does your family think of your choice to be a musician?
I don’t know. But I’ll ask them. 

Wunschkonzert – mögliches unmögliches Konzert: Wen würdest du gerne mal hören?/Concerto dei sogni – concerto impossibile: chi vorresti sentire?/Dream concert – impossible concert: who would you like to hear?
Pff… to many to list, pretty much every dead musician you heard of, and a few alive ones. 

Erzähl uns eine Anekdote aus deinem Musikerleben, was war die schönste oder schlimmste Erfahrung?/Aneddoti: la migliore o peggiore esperienza della tua carriera musicale?/Best or worse experience of your musical career? 
I haven’t started any career, I just played a few times on the streets. Nothing special – besides me playing of course ; ) – ever happened really… But I liked it. Well once it was pretty cold, too cold to play the guitar for longer than a minute, for my fingers got stiff like carrots, but still I got quite some donation. Just by sitting there with my guitar and a frozen smile on the face. Obviously because I must have looked very pitiful… So now sometimes I do exactly that, I place myself somewhere when it’s cold enough and just sit there with a magic head and my guitar, looking at the passing people and mind my own thoughts. 


For more info about the festival click this

Photo: Michael Voegele


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