Culture + Arts > Cinema

November 28, 2014

Rimusicazioni Film Festival 2014: Visions de Lourdes – Mattia Mariotti

New soundtracks for silent movies is the motto of the 15th Rimusicazioni Film Festival from 29/11 until 6/12 in Bolzano_Bozen, Meran_o, Ora_Auer and Trento. == Der Publikumspreis 2014 wird unter der Schirmherrschaft von franzmagazine vergeben. Ihr könnt auch mitstimmen – klickt dafür einfach auf den Facebook-Like-Button am Ende dieses Artikels. == Il Premio del Pubblico 2014 viene assegnato sotto il patrocinio di franzmagazine. Per votare i vostri preferiti cliccate il bottone Facebook Like in fondo alla pagina. 1/12–5/12/2014 H 12.00.


Un film di Charles Dekeukeleire. Muto, durata 17′ min. – Belgio 1932. 
Beginning with conventionally beautiful mountain vistas, the film slowly moves toward the area around the sacred grotto and finally to shots within the grotto itself. There are shots of shop-windows full of Lourdes souvenirs (including candy made with holy water from the shrine), but these come in fairly late, avoiding a blatant focus on the commercialization of the site and the notion that those hoping to be healed of illness and deformity are being exploited.
Clearly Dekeukeleire has a more original sense of composition than does Storck. There is a motif of old women selling candles that the filmmaker turns into a series of shots that look like something out of Eisenstein’s Mexican footage–which of course Dekeukeleire could not have seen. The film is critical of the church, but subtly so–and perhaps mainly because we’ve been cued to take it that way, especially in this case by the dissonant music. I wonder if, in a different context and with a cheerier soundtrack, some of the devout might actually take it as a serious tribute to the healing powers of the saint.


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