Fashion + Design > Fashion
May 20, 2020
Fashion for Good
Susanne Barta
Die niederländische Plattform Fashion for Good unterstützt Player der Fashion-Industrie innovativer und nachhaltiger zu agieren. Außerdem betreibt sie in Amsterdam das weltweit erste interaktive, technologiegestützte Museum für nachhaltige Modeinnovationen.
„Wir glauben, dass gute Mode nicht nur möglich, sondern auch in Reichweite ist. Was der Branche aber bisher fehlt, sind die Ressourcen, Instrumente und Anreize, um das in die Praxis umzusetzen“, liest man auf der Website. Und weiter: „Unsere Mission bei Fashion for Good besteht darin, das gesamte Mode-Ökosystem über unsere Innovationsplattform zusammenzubringen.“ Gegründet wurde das ambitionierte Projekt 2017 von der Laudes Foundation (vorher C&A Foundation). Ich habe mit Anne-Ro Klevant Groen, Marketing & Communications Director von Fashion for Good, gesprochen. Und anschließend gibt’s noch ein paar Styling-Tipps by me.
The Fashion industry is heavily affected by Corona. How do you perceive this time and how does it influence your work?
The current situation has indeed affected the fashion industry immensely. It’s exposed its flaws and weaknesses and made it very apparent that business as usual cannot continue moving forward. On the positive side, it’s highlighted just how important the work we, and like-minded organisations, are doing to transform the industry for the better. We’re continuing to work closely with our partners and innovators to help support them where needed in the challenges they face. And keep focusing on driving positive change.
Brands and retailers are sitting on mountains of spring and summer collections. Do you think that some of the old rules just don’t work anymore?
The question of overstock and production is front of mind for many brands, retailers and suppliers right now. The immediate concern is retaining as much value for these products as possible and there are a number of short-term solutions that can be explored, ranging from discounted sales, to shifting collections to future seasons, reworking products and so on. While this offers a solution for products currently in stock, there need to be solutions that address more persistent issues in the long-term. What’s clear is the disruption in the supply chain and its repercussions will be a topic of much discussion in the months to come and influence the transformation of the industry that is inevitable. There are a number of innovators and technologies that exist today that have sustainable solutions that offer opportunities to address some of these issues while having a positive environmental and social impact. We’re optimistic that the industry will adopt many of these solutions and create new and better rules for the industry moving forward.
Fashion for Good opened the world’s first interactive museum for sustainable fashion innovation. The museum is closed right know. Your plans for the future?
Despite our Experience being closed right now, we continue to engage with our global audience and drive the global movement, hosting webinars instead of our meetings on location and using our social media channels to highlight important updates from the industry, support ongoing efforts and projects, provide insights into the role of innovation at this time, disseminate advice and share webinars and actions for our audience to participate in. The aim of the museum to engage, educate and facilitate positive action for change remains unchanged. Once our doors open again (which now looks like June 1st), we will continue on this mission, adapting our strategy and processes to accommodate for the restrictions on travel and number of visitors that will be allowed into our physical venue. Driving a behavioural change can be done remotely as well as physically and we will aim to do so however we can.
Ich hoffe sehr, die Fashion for Good Experience in absehbarer Zeit auch persönlich besuchen zu können. Denn zu entdecken gibt es dort sicher einiges. Was man aber schon jetzt tun kann: bei spannenden Webinars dabei sein!
Und zu guter Letzt noch ein Styling-Tipp, bezugnehmend auf die Kolumne von letzter Woche: Wer wie ich ungern aus den super feinen Home-Klamotten raus möchte, Jogging- und Pyjamahosen lassen sich auch nach außen transferieren.
Mir ist natürlich klar, dass die meisten das Haus so nicht verlassen möchten, daher eine weniger auffällige Variante:
Und wem das immer noch zu viel ist, et voilà:
(1+ 2+3) © Presstigieux
(4) © Alina Karsieva
(5+6+7) © Martina Drechsel: Pyjamahose > alt; Hoodie > Kochè; Mantel > von meiner verstorbenen Großmutter; Chelsea Boots > Birkenstock; Tasche aus Piñatex > Maravillas bags
(8) © Martina Drechsel: Pyjamahose > Intimissimi; Sakko > Maturball-Sakko von meinem Sohn; Collegeschuhe > Ed Maier
(9) © Martina Drechsel: super bequeme Jeans > Dawn Jeans; Langarm-Shirt > Organic Basics; Tweedjacke > Missoni Donna, Secondhand Kleopatra Bozen; Collegeschuhe > Ed Maier