La Banda dei Bandi: Sinstruct Festival Open Call

Sinstruct Festival Open Call 2016

The Sinstruct Festival will take place, for the fourth time, from 4 to 7 August 2016 in the mountains of south tyrol, at an elevation of 1500 m close to the village of Unsere Liebe Frau im Walde. Forest and meadows, glades, little caves and a bunker complex offer ample space for your imagination, conceptions and installations.

We want to invite you to utilize these places so as to express yourselves in the most diverse ways. It is up to you whether you offer performances, workshops, recitals, installations or anything from building a sweat lodge to organising a bike tour….

Please use the following form to provide us with your portfolio containing visions, conceptions, links or references until 1st May 2016.

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