BUSK 2016: Señor Marküsen

BUSK Singer-Songwriter Festival is back in Bolzano Bozen: on May 20th and 21st 2016 once again we’re bringing buskers and their music out to the streets of the city. VOTE this profile and YOUR FAVOURITE MUSICIANS by clicking the facebook like button at the end of the article (the result will be added to a selection made by an expert group). Spread music!

Señor Marküsen by Alex Reig - BUSK 2016

Marcos Andreu. My artistic name is Señor Marküsen

Low tech dance music / one-man-band

Hometown/Herkunftsort/Luogo di provenienza
Born in Barcelona. Living in Berlin


Your first contact with music?/Dein erster Kontakt mit der Musik?/Il primo contatto con la musica?
Since birth: father > semi-pro piano player and composer; sister > violinist, other sisters > traverse and contralto flute players. Started playing piano at the age of 3 or 4 years.

What do like about playing music on the street?/Warum spielst du gerne auf der Straße?/Che cosa ti piace del suonare per strada? 
Closeness to the audience, freedom, challenge to attract people and convert them into audience. And, yes, money. 

Which artist or concert impressed you particularly and why?/Welcher KünstlerIn oder welches Konzert hat dich besonders beeindruckt und warum?/L’artista o il concerto che ti ha colpito di più e perché?
Impossible to say one. Live shows, this year: Tune Yards maybe, or Tortoise. Artists: Thom Yorke (in any format) or Aphex Twin never stop influencing me. But many others too, not so famous too. As said, impossible to say.  The soundtrack of your current life?/Der Soundtrack deines derzeitigen Lebens?/La colonna sonora della tua vita ora?

Right now, Dawn of Midi.  

What does it mean to be a musician?/Was bedeutet es MusikerIn zu sein?/Cosa significa essere un musicista?
It could be to make music or just play it. Or both. If I had to choose one, I’d choose to make music. But I prefer to do both.  

What does your family think of your choice to be a musician?/Was meint deine Familie zu deinem MusikerIn-Dasein?/Cosa ne pensa la tua famiglia della scelta di fare musica?
“Why not Architecture??” (I have a degree in Architecture, after many years of University)

Dream concert – impossible concert: who would you like to hear?/Wunschkonzert – mögliches unmögliches Konzert: Wen würdest du gerne mal hören?/Concerto dei sogni – concerto impossibile: chi vorresti sentire?
Impossible to answer as well… Jimi Hendrix in Woodstock? Frank Sinatra in Las Vegas before the decadence and during it? U2 in Dortmund in ’84?

Best or worse experience of your musical career?/Erzähl uns eine Anekdote aus deinem Musikerleben, was war die schönste oder schlimmste Erfahrung?/Aneddoti: la migliore o peggiore esperienza della tua carriera musicale?
To be able to generate feelings through music. / To not be able to generate even a blink… 
In a more simple way, the best probably would be the times I performed in front of a big good audience, playing something that I enjoyed playing and they enjoyed listening or dancing, too. The worst experience is to long to tell here, I hope to tell you in person ; )

Dossier online (HD): issuu.com/senormarkusen/docs/dossier_2016
Most recent promo video: youtube.com/watch?v=UIXLsWQnB3U
Audio full live show Germany 2015: soundcloud.com/se-or-mark-sen/live-at-openflair-ingolstadt
Video live show Berlin 2014: youtube.com/watch?v=3JWJ7d4yFxs
Video stage Portugal 2014: youtube.com/watch?v=om6n5U7mrD4
Video street Dubai 2015: youtube.com/watch?v=iPjWP0APiEM
Videoclip: youtube.com/watch?v=TPUYBbSWvVg
Pictures online: 500px.com/senormarkusen

Tour schedule for 2016 : (as for 28th February -most tour dates being confirmed until April-)
-5 March, show at JUZ Eckental (DE) 
-12 March, show at Spannabis Fair, Barcelona (ES)
-2/3 April, show in Die (FR)
-6/7 May, Aufgetischt Festival, St Gallen (CH)
-13 May, Karneval der Kulturen Festival, Berlin (DE)
-27 May, Fuego a la Isla Festival, Chemnitz (DE)
-28/29 May, Bremerhavener Strassenmusik Fest, Bremerhaven (DE)
-11/12 June, show and workshop at Didgeridoo V Jeskyni Festival, Křtiny (CZ)
-24 June, show at DeGeWo private event, Berlin (DE)
-26 June, Elbhangfest, Dresden (DE)
-1/3 July, Festival of Lights, Pécs (HU) 
-17 July, Barbacan Festival, Trieste (IT)
-21/24 July, Zwarte Cross Festival, Lichtenvoorde (NL)
-27 July, Sommerwerft Festival, Frankfurt (DE)
-29/31 July, Sarnico Busker Festival, Sarnico (IT)
-12/15 August, Di Strada in Strada Festival, Santa Sofia (IT)
-28 August, Bräunlinger Strassenmusiksonntag, Bräunlingen (DE)
-3/4 September, Ulicnih Sviraca Fest, Novi Sad (SRB)

Photo: Señor Marküsen by Alex Reig – BUSK 2016

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