Rimusicazioni Film Festival 2014: La perle – Michele Kettmaier
New soundtracks for silent movies is the motto of the 15th Rimusicazioni Film Festival from 29/11 until 6/12 in Bolzano_Bozen, Meran_o, Ora_Auer and Trento. == Der Publikumspreis 2014 wird unter der Schirmherrschaft von franzmagazine vergeben. Ihr könnt auch mitstimmen – klickt dafür einfach auf den Facebook-Like-Button am Ende dieses Artikels. == Il Premio del Pubblico 2014 viene assegnato sotto il patrocinio di franzmagazine. Per votare i vostri preferiti cliccate il bottone Facebook Like in fondo alla pagina. 1/12–5/12/2014 H 12.00.

Directed by the little known Belgian aristocrat Henri d’Ursel,The Pearl (1929) is a lightly erotic silent masterpiece, over 30 minutes long, that links Celine and Julie go Boating, Jean Vigo, Man Ray, Maya Deren and the early crime serials (or should that be surreals?) of Louis Feuillade, which were much admired by the surrealists.