“Quit studying and start living” Prof. Jay Rutherford @ Designerds 2016

Jay Rutherford

Bozen will turn into a design Mecca. This will happen on October, 14th 2016 on the occasion of the 1st international and interdisciplinary design conference “Designerds“. The presence of the following man is required: Jay Rutherford, also known as The Pensionista. Let’s find out who he is…

Jay Rutherford, please send us some photos of you. 

Coverpicture: One of my newer guitars.  

Jay Rutherford Six years old. My first guitar

Jay RutherfordGrade 10, such a nerd. 

Jay Rutherford1969, too cool for school. 

Jay Rutherford Jay_1970Jim Morrison, watch out. 

Jay Rutherford JayaratWorkBWEastern Canada’s young type designer, 1989. 

Jay Rutherford PhotoJust starting out in Weimar, 1994. 

Jay Rutherford Jay-in-the-box Hannes PasqualiniOne of my Bolzano students, Hannes Pasqualini, captured me quite well, I would say. 

Jay Rutherford IMG_6619Breaking extra bad. 

Jay Rutherford IMG_8491Chilled out pup. 

Now some questions: How can we make South Tyrol into a design Mecca? 

Jay Rutherford: Keep making great things! The art & design faculty at the Freie Universität turns out excellent graduates, as well as a number of good people who didn’t study there. 

What would you create if you were left alone in a room with just a black chalk, a flower and some sand and honey?

A cake.  

What is your main advice to students?

Quit studying and start living. No, I mean read Hans-Peter Willberg’s book “Lesetypografie”. And don’t just leaf through it, really read it. 

JAY RUTHERFORD, Visual communication, Typography, Canada/Germany
Canadian-born independent designer, teaching visual communications at the Bauhaus University in Weimar, Germany. Specalized in typography, corporate- and information design, known for his collaboration on type design projects with Erik Spiekermann. A frequent speaker at conferences such as ATypI and TypeCon, and juror at international design competitions. 
uni-weimar.de, typecamp.org

On becoming a nerd
Where do nerds come from? What is it about their upbringing, or perhaps genetic makeup, that makes them nerds? Is nerdness a good thing or a bad thing? How do we avoid turning our children into nerds? Or how can we ensure that they become nerds? In this talk I would like to reveal the development of a particular nerd over several decades, how he became a nerd, what happened as he grew up, and what he’s doing now. Language topic: German, English

Photos by Jay Rutherford
