BUSK 2015: Cari Cari
Nach und nach stellen wir euch alle KandidatInnen für das BUSK SINGER-SONGWRITER FESTIVAL BOLZANO-BOZEN 2015 (15.+16.5.) vor. Ihr könnt auch mitstimmen – klickt dafür einfach auf den Facebook-Like-Button am Ende des Artikels. || Mano a mano ogni giorno vi presentiamo i candidati per il BUSK SINGER-SONGWRITER FESTIVAL BOLZANO-BOZEN 2015 (15+16/5). Per votare i vostri preferiti cliccate il bottone Facebook Like in fondo alla pagina.

CARI CARI (Stephanie Marie Louise Widmer, Alexander Köck)
Contemporary Blues/Folk/Psychedelia
Herkunftsort/Luogo di provenienza/Hometown
Mörbisch am See / Wien
22 & 21
Dein erster Kontakt mit der Musik?/Il primo contatto con la musica?/Your first contact with music?
The most significant contact I had with music was when my father played Pink Floyd’s “The Wall” to me. I didn’t know the concept of a musical album, I remember just being struck by the whole atmosphere it created. From that day on I kept on standing up on weekends before my parents where up and listening to that album. So when I started going to school later on I picked up the guitar and so on and on… Everything else just came naturally.
Warum spielst du gerne auf der Straße?/Che cosa ti piace del suonare per strada?/What do like about playing music on the street?
Right now it’s harder then ever to get attention. You need a marketing concept and be present on every social network… Being on the streets and playing is the most honest form of being a musician and touching people right there… That’s why I make music. Not for shooting cool press pictures.
As long as the gipsy train keeps on rolling, everything is fine.
Welches Konzert hat dich besonders beeindruckt und warum?/Il concerto che ti ha colpito di più e perché?/Which concert impressed you particularly and why?
Charles Bradley at Frankfurt. His whole performance was pure passion and love. He tore his heart out. Sweat. Tears. Broken Heart.
Honest and pure. The way music should be. If you don’t know him, you should look him up. He used to be homeless most of his life and released his breakthrough record at the age of 64. Really inspiring.Der Soundtrack deines derzeitigen Lebens?/La colonna sonora della tua vita ora?/The soundtrack of your current life?
Caribou – Can’t do without You
Was bedeutet es MusikerIn zu sein?/Cosa significa essere un musicista?/What does it mean to be a musician?
Being someone who makes music.
Was sagt deine Familie zu deiner Entscheidung, Musik zu machen?/Cosa ne pensa la tua famiglia della scelta di fare musica?/What does your family think of your choice to be a musician?
My mother is our best PR manager – Family wise. She’s super proud, buys our CDs and gives them away to friends. She’s the best.
Wunschkonzert – mögliches unmögliches Konzert: Wen würdest du gerne mal hören?/Concerto dei sogni – concerto impossibile: chi vorresti sentire?/Dream concert – impossible concert: who would you like to hear?
Erzähl uns eine Anekdote aus deinem Musikerleben, was war die schönste oder schlimmste Erfahrung?/Aneddoti: la migliore o peggiore esperienza della tua carriera musicale?/Best or worse experience of your musical career?
The best experience I had and still have is being in a band with my girlfriend and best friend and having the opportunity to do what I love most with her. Last Summer we did an Australia Tour, and it would not have been possible that way if we weren’t a couple. The worst experience was a show we played in Nimbi, AUS – that’s a small hippie village that has a huge drug problem. When we arrived at the venue, they didn’t even have a microphone and the audience consisted of 5 junkies that were drunk and violent. It was scary but we made it.