Rimusicazioni Film Festival 2014: A page of madness – Francois Lasserre & Vadim Sher

New soundtracks for silent movies is the motto of the 15th Rimusicazioni Film Festival from 29/11 until 6/12 in Bolzano_Bozen, Meran_o, Ora_Auer and Trento. == Der Publikumspreis 2014 wird unter der Schirmherrschaft von franzmagazine vergeben. Ihr könnt auch mitstimmen – klickt dafür einfach auf den Facebook-Like-Button am Ende dieses Artikels. == Il Premio del Pubblico 2014 viene assegnato sotto il patrocinio di franzmagazine. Per votare i vostri preferiti cliccate il bottone Facebook Like in fondo alla pagina.

Rimusicazioni Film Festival 2014: A page of madness – Francois Lasserre & Vadim Sher


Page of Madness (狂った一頁 Kurutta Ippēji or Kurutta Ichipeiji?) is a silent film by Japanese film director Teinosuke Kinugasa, made in 1926. It was lost for forty-five years until being rediscovered by Kinugasa in his storehouse in 1971. The film is the product of an avant-garde group of artists in Japan known as the Shinkankaku-ha (or School of New Perceptions) who tried to overcome naturalistic representation.

