BUSK 2014: Satuo
Nach und nach stellen wir euch alle KandidatInnen für das BUSK Singer-Songwriter Festival Bolzano-Bozen 2014 vor. Ihr könnt auch mitstimmen – klickt dafür einfach auf den Facebook-Like-Button am Ende des Artikels. || Mano a mano ogni giorno vi presentiamo i candidati per il BUSK Singer-Songwriter Festival Bolzano-Bozen 2014. Per votare i vostri preferiti cliccate il bottone Facebook Like in fondo alla pagina.

Satuo (Laura, Aron, Fabian)
Herkunftsort/Luogo di provenienza/Hometown
Helsinki, Finland (Laura); Niederösterreich (Aron); Südtirol (Fabian)
Dein erster Kontakt mit der Musik?/Il primo contatto con la musica?/Your first contact with music?
For all of us it was the father’s LP’s he listened to when we were young!
Warum spielst du gerne auf der Straße?/Che cosa ti piace del suonare per strada?/What do like about playing music on the street?
It is an extraordinary experience. Most of the time there is more interaction between musicians and audience. The musicians are no stars, have no stage and the audience immediately feels connected with them.
Welches Konzert hat dich besonders beeindruckt und warum?/Il concerto che ti ha colpito di più e perché?/Which concert impressed you particularly and why?
Laura: Whitney Houston last tour was so negatively impressing to me. You think about her as a perfect singer and transcendent person! And on stage she was none of that.
Aron: My favourite concert/festival is the Waidhofen Jazz Festival, where i always get to know new supercool bands and artists, very impressing!
Fabian: The Dunavsko Trio in Völs am Schlern at this years swing on snow festival and Aniello Desiderio on Schloss Runkelstein some years ago.
Der Soundtrack deines derzeitigen Lebens?/La colonna sonora della tua vita ora?/The soundtrack of your current life?
Fabian: I have a spotify playlist. With spotify your soundtrack changes every day, because there is so much good music and so many great artists around!
Aron: I listen to german and Austrian singer/songwriters a lot! And of course all the jazz music and classical music i am faced with in my studies.
Laura: There is a lot of good pop music around in these days!Was bedeutet es MusikerIn zu sein?/Cosa significa essere un musicista?/What does it mean to be a musician?
Fabian: For me a musician is an artist in the first place. You have to find your own personality through the music. That’s what is most interesting and what makes you most interesting for the people.
Laura: And you have to always find inspiration even though you are working and rehearsing a lot!
Was sagt deine Familie zu deiner Entscheidung, Musik zu machen?/Cosa ne pensa la tua famiglia della scelta di fare musica?/What does your family think of your choice to be a musician?
Our parents are always very supportive for what we are doing! Sometimes too much : )
Wunschkonzert – mögliches unmögliches Konzert: Wen würdest du gerne mal hören?/Concerto dei sogni – concerto impossibile: chi vorresti sentire?/Dream concert – impossible concert: who would you like to hear?
Laura: Billie Holiday
Aron: Bob Dylan in the good old days
Fabian: Queen with Freddie Mercury, John Dowland
Erzähl uns eine Anekdote aus deinem Musikerleben, was war die schönste oder schlimmste Erfahrung?/Aneddoti: la migliore o peggiore esperienza della tua carriera musicale?/Best or worse experience of your musical career?
Fabian: I had a Concert in Zürich with my old punk band when the Italian police on Ofenpass wouldn’t let us pass and checked our car for drugs for at least an hour. After all they decided we had to go back! So we tried to use another way to get to Zürich via Vorarlberg. When we arrived in Zürich our stage time had already passed so I had to talk to the manager for half an hour and we finally managed to get a spot right after the next band. The band after us even cancelled some of their songs, so we could play.
Laura: I am not such a good storyteller : )
Aron: I was the member and manager of a band with 7 members from all over the world, there are so many stories I could tell that I don’t know where to begin.
soundcloud.com/satuo/sets/live (some compositions and some covers)
For more info about the festival click this
Photo: Satuo