Above the tree line

Moreness 01 – A monograph on the state of being more

Above the tree line

Moreness 01 ©Matteo Vegetti

more than apples and cows has always been our way of interpreting and narrating mountain landscapes and areas; a way of being, looking at and belonging to these places, beyond the stereotypes that often characterize popular imagery. It is also an interpretation and a perspective, a process for working, communication and building identity, a point of view and a key to reading and finally a state of mind and a statement. Hence the name we have given to this new publishing project: Moreness, an untranslatable term that literally means the state of being more.

Moreness 01 ©typeklang

The first three volumes of Moreness (2019-2020) will make up the Mountain Trilogy: above the tree line, on tree and woods, and from woods to wood. High mountains, forest, wood.

We therefore want to enter into these expressive and environmental depths and heights in order to start this new project, which from monograph to monograph and from trilogy to trilogy has as its ambition to observe, interrogate and relate the mountain universe in its being “more”.

Moreness 01 ©typeklang

This first monograph is our attempt – clearly as yet unresolved - to climb the highest points of the mountains and the Dolomites, above the tree line. We do this by challenging the North walls and the crags of thought, overcoming the gorges carved by erosion and questions, going beyond those passes between disciplines and using the intellectual tools we have.

Moreness 01 ©typeklang

In these pages, therefore, the observations and reflections of a consortium of bold thinkers follow each other, each using their own language. They do not plant flags on the peaks but rather continue to rise, to explore and ask questions - of themselves, of the mountain, but also of all of us who between disenchantment and enchantment continue to experience, visit and love the Pale Mountains. These are legendary entities that are anything but immobile, capable of influencing contemporaneity in numerous different ways.

Anna Quinz

Kunigunde Weissenegger

Editorial to the first issue of MORENESS

Buy your copy of Moreness 01– Above the tree line here.
Moreness Trilogy ©Matteo Vegetti
