BUSK 2017: Man in between
On September 9th 2017 we’re bringing again buskers and their music out to the streets of Merano. VOTE this profile and YOUR FAVOURITE MUSICIANS by clicking on the facebook like button at the end of the article (this result will be added to a selection made by an expert group). Spread the music!

Jorge Pascual Hernández (Man in between)
Your first contact with music?
Maybe it was listening to the Beatles and Michael Jackson tapes in my parents car on the way to Malaga, Spain when I was a kid.
What do you like about playing music on the street?
It´s randomness and vulnerable approach from the artist. It´s open to everybody who happens to walk by. It keeps me rooted and more confident. It´s also a lot of good practice.
Which artist or concert impressed you particularly and why?
Glen Hansard and his band at the Wiener Konzerthaus in Vienna in 2012 I think it was. It happened when I started busking in Vienna with one of my best friends. It inspired me so much I keep on playing on the streets to this day.
The soundtrack of your current life?
Tash Sultana, Leiva, Geordie Little, Kim Churchill, Bon Iver, Quique Gonzalez, Ben Caplan.
What does it mean to be a musician?
To be able to convey your thoughts and feelings through music and hope someone other than you will relate to it after listening to it. Some of the biggest individual and collective changes have been reflected in music and sparked also some social movements and also have inspired new music to come to existence.
What does your family think of your choice to be a musician?
At first, they were a bit shocked due to, I guess, some expectations they had of what I was supposed to be or not to be back in the day. With time I think they understood that rather than a conscious choice it was more of a natural direction of things in my life and pursuing that was something important to me. So far, my family supports everything I do which makes me a very fortunate person indeed. I cannot complain.
Dream concert – impossible concert: who would you like to hear?
Watching live, on the spot, The Jimi Hendrix Experience at Woodstock 1969 or/and John Martyn at Rockpalast in 1978.
Best or worse experience of your musical career?
The worst one was playing in Praterstern, Vienna surrounded by junkies who, at first, were very kind and seemed to enjoy the music but then it changed into some sort of sketchy thing which, unfortunately, made us leave. The best one was also playing in Vienna, in a small backstreet, for a kid with down syndrome and his mother. I shared both experiences with a good friend of mine which made them more memorable and intense.
instagram/ @maninbetween
facebook/ facebook.com/maninbetween
soundcloud/ soundcloud.com/maninbetween/sangre
youtube/ youtube.com/watch?v=esOz_y-Autc
vimeo/ vimeo.com/70515051