
April 13, 2017

LA BANDA DEI BANDI: Crowdfunding Peter#Kompripiotr#Holzknecht + Chopstick


Support D.I.Y. artists. An oversea collaboration project between noise/experimental artists needs your help: Crowdfunding on

My name is Peter#KOMPRIPIOTR#Holzknecht, an artist from Bolzano, Italy. (If someone wants more infos about me: I met Chopstick from Sacramento at the Norcal Noise Fest 2015 in Sacramento California. I was guested at the home of Chopstick and his wife for a few days. This started a good friendship centered around weird music and coffee.

Later the idea is born to release a drone/noise split 12″ on vinyl called “Tons” with 3 tracks on it.
On side A one track of KOMPRIPIOTR, and on track of Chopstick, on side B one track together.
The release is a handnumbered limited edition (99 pieces), handprinted cover, insert, marbled black vinyl and some more surprises. A real artistic piece.

The production costs are high… also all the oversea-shipping costs are high.
The collaboration 12″split will be released for my d.i.y. underground label called LaGrind Noire. It will be the 16th release. The label has no budget for production costs.

So 50% is coming out of our pockets. The most amount from the pocket of Chopstick. We see the incoming in California have other dimensions as the incoming in Italy ; ) For the second, mostly mine, part (950€) we hope for support. Every help is welcome. If we don’t reach the total i have to work harder and do some flea market or something like that…
ANY supporter should have something artistic for his help. Look at the perks… 
If there comes in more money as needed, it will invested in the next LaGrind Noire work.

We hope that we will be able to realize this oversee collaboration project. There is a lot of heartblood in it and for us it is a really important thing.

Any support you can give will go a long way in getting this feature completed. You also can do me a huge favor by sharing my Indiegogo campaign on your facebook page.

THANKS, ALL THE BEST and sorry of errors in my quiet bad english, KOMPRIPIOTR


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