October 14, 2016
The Slow Show: “silence is the loudest noise you can possibly have in music”
Text Nadja Röggla
Photography Mirja Kofler
How would you describe The Slow Show to someone who never heard about you?
That’s always a difficult task. Maybe something along the lines of cinematic rock with a touch of Americana and plenty of understated emotion.
Recently you released your new Album “Dream Darling”. How does it compare with “White Water”?
To us it feels less dark than White Water. Even though the themes can be seen as sad, mainly heartbreak and loss, the emphasis is on change, and mostly change for something better. Some songs feel more euphoric and cathartic to us than sad.
During the origination process of ‘Dream Darling‘ some of you went through different changes. Would you say that instability and the lack security were source of inspiration?
Certainly. It’s been an eventful year for most of us. I wouldn’t say it resulted in insecurity. It is more a sense that we feel we’ve aged quite a lot in a short space of time, we feel more emotionally mature. But as a result we are more determined and perhaps experienced to turn things around and into something positive.
Rob once you said “Silence is the loudest noise you can possibly have in music”. Why do you think it is important to create quiet moments during a concert?
Silence is very powerful. It creates anticipation, it draws the listener in. I think it makes the listener pay more attention as there are less distractions. It makes us feel like everyone is involved and almost on stage with us.
You played already on the Kaltern Pop Festival in 2015. How did you experience it? Do you like concerts with a small audience?
The setting is incredible. It’s a beautiful town in dramatic surroundings. We were lucky as we were able to spend almost three days in Kaltern. It was a welcome change from the hectic and rushed schedule we usually have on tour and at summer festivals.
With smaller audiences we like the fact that we’re much closer to them. It’s great to be more aware of how the audience experiences our show.
Photo: Mirja Kofler Photography for franzmagazine