JOSEF – the insider’s travel book to South Tyrol

JOSEF – the insider’s travel book  to South Tyrol

JOSEF – the insider’s travel book to South Tyrol


As you know, franz is a creative company founded 5 years ago, which lives in South Tyrol and tells stories focused on its innovative, multilingual and contemporary aspects.

Today franz presents JOSEF. 

JOSEF is a new travel experience to discover South Tyrol through the eyes of its insiders, a network and community of creative, visionary people who recommend their favourite spots, products and local businesses. 

JOSEF is not only a printed travel guide. It is a cool book made by local designers, photographers and editors. josef is published once a year. The first issue is about Bolzano Bozen. For you, to enjoy your journey in the city like an insider. 

We love apples.
We believe in cows.
JOSEF wants to show you more.

Join our crowdfunding campaign on kickstarter!
Soon more info, stay tuned.

a franz production. shooting martina jaider. editing music mr. coon.
