
May 10, 2014

BUSK 2014:
The Aroostercrats

Nach und nach stellen wir euch alle KandidatInnen für das BUSK Singer-Songwriter Festival Bolzano-Bozen 2014 vor. Ihr könnt auch mitstimmen – klickt dafür einfach auf den Facebook-Like-Button am Ende des Artikels. || Mano a mano ogni giorno vi presentiamo i candidati per il BUSK Singer-Songwriter Festival Bolzano-Bozen 2014. Per votare i vostri preferiti cliccate il bottone Facebook Like in fondo alla pagina.

The Aroostercrats (Mark and Lukasz)

Folk Americana/Celtic

Herkunftsort/Luogo di provenienza/Hometown 
Perth, Australia (Mark); Radom, Poland (Lukasz)

25 (Mark) 31 (Lukasz)

Dein erster Kontakt mit der Musik?/Il primo contatto con la musica?/Your first contact with music? 
Mark age 4 violin and piano, Lukasz age 8 violin

Warum spielst du gerne auf der Straße?/Che cosa ti piace del suonare per strada?/What do like about playing music on the street? 
The freedom, and meeting people who actually want to stop and enjoy the music that is your own and that you’ve written.

Welches Konzert hat dich besonders beeindruckt und warum?/Il concerto che ti ha colpito di più e perché?/Which concert impressed you particularly and why?The first Chuck Ragan concert, gave inspiration to write my own music.Der Soundtrack deines derzeitigen Lebens?/La colonna sonora della tua vita ora?/The soundtrack of your current life? 
It changes every day

Was bedeutet es MusikerIn zu sein?/Cosa significa essere un musicista?/What does it mean to be a musician?
It means something different to everyone, but to be able to express yourself through music and songs and make emotional connections with complete strangers, that feels great.

Was sagt deine Familie zu deiner Entscheidung, Musik zu machen?/Cosa ne pensa la tua famiglia della scelta di fare musica?/What does your family think of your choice to be a musician?
They love it and are completely supportive.

Wunschkonzert – mögliches unmögliches Konzert: Wen würdest du gerne mal hören?/Concerto dei sogni – concerto impossibile: chi vorresti sentire?/Dream concert – impossible concert: who would you like to hear?
Doc Watson and Earl Scruggs

Erzähl uns eine Anekdote aus deinem Musikerleben, was war die  schönste oder schlimmste Erfahrung?/Aneddoti: la migliore o peggiore esperienza della tua carriera musicale?/Best or worse experience of your musical career? 
Best – travelling to Ireland to busk on Grafton Street.

Album Streaming:
Busking Video:

For more info about the festival click this

Photo: The Aroostercrats


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