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May 22, 2013

Meet The Locals #08. Robin Cox, 30, Creative Marketing Professional in Amsterdam

Cristina Vezzaro

Quando sono partita per Amsterdam qualche mese fa, avevo voglia di incontrare qualcuno del posto che mi facesse scoprire la città con occhi tutti olandesi. È così che ho trovato questo sito Internet chiamato Citinerary dove, spiegando quali erano i miei interessi, e che cosa stavo cercando, hanno fatto un match perfetto con Barbara, una viaggiatrice e scrittrice amante dell’Italia che mi ha dato appuntamento in una libreria appena aperta ad Amsterdam dove ci siamo sedute a un tavolo, abbiamo bevuto un tè e mi ha raccontato la sua Amsterdam.

A ideare questa rete di locali che incontrano visitatori è stato Robin; è con lui che ho parlato per capire cosa cercavo, è stato lui a mettermi a contatto con il mio alter ego olandese. Quel weekend non ci siamo incontrati perché anche lui era in viaggio. Ma siamo in contatto, e prima o poi ci incontreremo di persona per un caffè. Ve lo presento comunque, insieme alla sua (geniale) idea!
Ladies and Gentlemen, please meet Robin.

Your name (with or without last name), age and job?

Robin Cox, 30 and Founder of Citinerary (or Creative Marketing Professional).

Where are you from?


What would you be if you were not a Marketing guy?

A travel photographer/writer being constantly on the move around the globe.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

A professional football player.

How long have you lived in Amsterdam and why did you first come?

Living here for 6 years now, but in the Netherlands for 12 years, because I wanted to study here.

What is the best thing to do (what do you like doing ) in Amsterdam?

Getting on your bike and riding it through the city over the weekend, exploring new sceneries, places and people.

Is there something you don’t like about Amsterdam?

It’s a city too small for the amount of people that live in it. Example: when the sun’s out, all the spots on the terraces are immediately taken. You’ll need lots of patience.

Where would you live if not in Amsterdam?

I have a dream to live and work in New York for some years.

Have you ever been to Bolzano/Trento/Tyrol?

Yes, I have when I was a kid. We used to live in Munich, Bavaria, Germany, which is only a few hours drive to that region.

What did you like / did not like about it?

I don’t really remember vividly, but what I do can recall: South Tyrol has the best of both, Germany/Austria/Switzerland and Italy. Both from a language point-of-view as its food traditions. 

Anything else you would like to add? 

Looking forward to reading all the other local interviews and their stories.



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