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April 11, 2013

Meet the Locals #2: Louis, entrepreneur in Paris

Cristina Vezzaro

Dopo essermi persa ad Amsterdam, essere finita in una galleria ancora aperta di venerdì sera e avere così conosciuto Justin, mi ritrovo in un nuovo concept store parigino chiamato Merci a vagabondare per proteggermi dal freddo che ancora colpisce la città. E mentre sto ammirando dei vasi di stoffa appesi che mi piacerebbe prendere per le piante di casa mia, mi ritrovo a scambiare due battute con un ragazzo che ancora non lo sa, ma sta per diventare una vittima di Meet the Locals.

In realtà durante il caffè che ci prendiamo insieme, io e Louis scopriamo di avere in comune la passione per il tennis, per i viaggi, per il cibo e per il vino, e che entrambi abiteremmo a New York, se non abitassimo dove abitiamo, per cui diventa semplicissimo fare amicizia. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Louis!

Your name, age and job?

Louis, 29, entrepreneur.

Where are you from?

Paris, France.

What would you be if you were not an entrepreneur? What do you want to be when you grow up?

I would probably have worked in sport management, and more specifically as a tennis agent, as I’m a massive tennis fan and the skills I’ve learnt so far would be pretty relevant for this position.

When I grow up, I’d love to help entrepreneurs launch their businesses. Some kind of business angel. This would enable me to have enough flexibility to spend time for my passions: food, wine, travels, tennis.

How long have you lived in Paris and why did you first come?

5 years. I arrived in Paris in 2008 to start my first job, in a US private equity company. After 4 years in this company, I left it to launch my own business, still in Paris

What is the best thing to do in Paris?

Driving along “quais de seine” at late night. Hardly anybody in the city, fully enjoying Parisian architecture and magic atmosphere.

Is there something you don’t like about Paris?

Always a mess to get a cab!

Where would you live if not in Paris?

New-york. Crazy city.

Have you ever been to Italy?

Only once, to Rome. Loved it.

Anything you would like to add?

Follow me on Twitter: @lkerveillant.


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