Irish songbird Wallis Bird

In 2012 she released her third self-titeld studio album Wallis Bird and now she’s working on her new album called Architect. In February 2013 the irish singer-songwriter Wallis Bird started with her 2013 tour and just the day after tomorrow, the 1st of March 2013, she plays in South Tyrol in Oberbozen/Soprabolzano together with Dominik Plangger. – Just grant! And we were lucky enough to catch up for a few minutes with the busy and powerful songbird.
Wow, Wallis Bird, you’re on the road! And how! Nearly every day playing a show: Germany, Italy, Portugal, Netherlands, Suisse. Are the wheels burning?
The wheels are burnin : )
And it seems you’re having fun playing live, aren’t you? – What’s so particular in being up there on the stage and singing and playing for a “real” audience?
It’s just like a good conversation with a group of new people for a couple of hours! Playing live is my favourite thing to do, it wakes me up, I shed my skin every time.
What means music for you?
Walking with rhythm
Punctuation and flow in life. Everything.
What is Wallis Bird singing about?
Life, death, strength, confusion, life’s natural rhythm, searching, travel, sex.
What kind of things and themes do touch you?
All of the above but mostly the stuff I don’t know. Learning is very important to me.
And, then, how do you convert it in notes?
I have no theory, so I draw my own diagrams and paint rhythms some times, other than that, I remember it and share it to someone else’s memory.
How and where do you write new songs?
Wherever they come to me. Through body or instrument. Could be a stage or the shower.
Where do you get the inspiration for your songs?
It just comes, or I decide to pick a theme.
You’re from Ireland. How did or does Irish Traditional Music influence your music?
Deeply. The storytelling, the pulsating rhythms, the basic need for expression through music, the drink, the intoxicated dancing, the tragedy and the comedy.
What are the things you just can laugh about?
If I don’t laugh I’ll never stop crying. I’m always ready to laugh : )
And what, on the other hand, makes you angry, sad and just tired?
Pushy people, slyness, loved ones not happy, sickness.
Last week I found this on your facebook-site: <‘Hammering’. A new song about subconscious personal rhythm, physical & mental. How you build the foundation of your choices and how their consequence builds you thereafter. Verses: hard and loud, speaking in your head. Chorus: subdued monologue. BPM: bout 75. Tuning: EADGBE. Key: G/B/E. 16/8 into 8/4. Go on, give it a go!>
Does this mean a new album? Tell us more please!
Yeah I’m writing new songs for an album at the moment. The album is going to be called ‘Architect’. Because I’m building from scratch. I’ve realised that to build, it’s good to share you’re blueprints, as a way of beginning the process and validating the existence of an unfinished song. This was me showing some blueprints..
We’re really looking forward to see you on stage the 1st of March in South Tyrol in Oberbozen Soprabolzano. What are you bringing with you – besides your guitar and your band?
A whole lot of excitement. Some new tunes too.
Photo (c)