Culture + Arts > Visual Arts
August 14, 2012
Willkommen im Hotel Amazonas, Helena Dietrich
Helena Dietrich aus Deutschland über ihr Projekt und ihre Arbeit während ihres Aufenthalts im Hotel Amazonas:
“I am creating a visual language, or a brand, that frames my work: LILI.
LILI is a language. The language of oppression of gender and identity and the language of desire, of the creative, individualistic and performative imperative. The pressure to be someone, to have something and in the same time to wish for something and to become someone. LILI is very capitalistic, she is the embodiment of norms of society, politics and culture, an image of a conformist. LILI is the crisis and the alienation.
Through her utopian body I create a heterotopia, that mirrors the desired images of beauty and identity, the phallocratic commodities, the architecture of power and the artificial creations that alienate us from ourselves.
Through the creation of fiction I want to denunciate fiction.
By using the tool of critiqual mimicry, I want to reflect back to an audience, in order to communicate by creating a mirror, a projection screen that creates a contradiction between the (rational or irrational) expectations questioning our perception of culture and identity.
My plans for the residency:
I am planning to research in the amazonian nature of South Tirol, for tools and spirits that will help LILI to create world healing rituals.”
Hotel Amazonas ist eine temporäre einmonatige KünstlerInnen-Residenz, installiert auf dem Aspmayr-Hof in Wangen am Ritten in Südtirol. Der ehemalige Bauern- und Gasthof wird ab Montag, 6. für den gesamten August umfunktioniert und zum Unterschlupf für Kunstschaffende und -forschende – parallel zur Residenz werden wir sie und ihre Arbeit in den kommenden Wochen auf Franz vorstellen. Zum Residenz-Tagebuch geht’s hier: